Restoring Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area is the only dedicated natural open space in the City of Santa Clara, and a regional and cultural resource for all of us. People from all over the region come to enjoy the diverse California native plant habitats and the ecosystems they support while walking, jogging, taking photographs, bicycling, bird watching, and just finding a serene respite from their busy lives.

Since 2001, hundreds of volunteers and thousands of volunteer hours with UNAREP have been dedicated to creating an ecological gem in the City of Santa Clara: Ulistac Natural Area. Ulistac contains the last 40 acres of natural, undeveloped land in the city along the Guadalupe River, a major migratory flyway for birds. Volunteers remove invasive species and plant California native trees, shrubs, grasses and wildflowers. Butterflies reappear, birds nest and breed, and migrating birds spend the winter. Jackrabbits, lizards and gophers and other wildlife make UNA their home.